5444 E. Golden Hill Rd.
Globe, AZ 85501 (map)
(928) 425-6004

From Mike's Desk:
Mike Shirley, AZ Certified Nurseryman

Au Naturel: Sustainable gardening with nature's pesticides

Instead of using man-made pesticides, try a more natural approach with...(read on)


Monday through Saturday: 8am-5pm

Sunday: 10am-3pm

December 2010

From Mike's Desk:

Living Christmas Trees

In late November, I traditionally purchase several sizes of Eldarica Pines from a grower in New Mexico to be sold as living Christmas trees.

The Eldarica Pine makes a beautiful Christmas tree and also a very useful evergreen tree in any desert landscaping scenario.

Instead of a “cut tree”, why not purchase a living Christmas tree to grow on and someday add a significant addition to your landscaping?

The Eldarica Pine has been grown for many years in the Western United States nursery trade. The tree is native to Afghanistan and Southern Russia, a climate similar in some respects, to the high deserts of Arizona. It is fast growing and can reach 50 ft. x 25 ft. at maturity in 10 years.

To use as a living Christmas tree indoors, water the root ball thoroughly before bringing indoors. Place tree near a window for good light and in a saucer filled with gravel, sand, etc. so that the roots don’t set in water. Once a week, check the soil. If dry, use several trays of ice cubes and place on top of root ball. NEVER LET ROOTS DRY OUT.

Ideally, your living Christmas tree shouldn’t be left inside for more than two weeks. Please keep tree away from furnaces or hot air drafts.

Once outside, your tree needs to be re-acclimated to the outdoors for a couple of weeks. Once hardened off, plant your tree and enjoy!!

For more information, come on up to my nursery or call me at 928-425-6004.

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