5444 E. Golden Hill Rd.
Globe, AZ 85501 (map)
(928) 425-6004

From Mike's Desk:
Mike Shirley, AZ Certified Nurseryman

Au Naturel: Sustainable gardening with nature's pesticides

Instead of using man-made pesticides, try a more natural approach with...(read on)


Monday through Saturday: 8am-5pm

Sunday: 10am-3pm

October 2011

From Mike's Desk:

Fall Foliage: Hardy plants for cooler weather

Fall weather is spectacular in the high desert communities of Gila County, Arizona!  It's a great time to get outside, breathe some fresh air and plant.

Cold-hardy plants, adapted to our soils and high summer temperatures, can be safely planted in the fall.  They will continue to root throughout the winter and will leaf out vigorously in the spring. From vegetables to violas, there is a cold-hardy plant for everyone at Golden Hills Nursery & Feed. 

October is a great time to plant a cool season vegetable garden.  Beets, carrots, turnips, lettuce, chard, spinach, peas, cabbage and broccoli are all great choices for a fall garden.  With a little innovation and creativity, these vegetables can be grown all winter long outside. 

For winter color, pansies and violas are great choices for a fall flower garden and will bloom until late spring.  Fall is also the time to plant bulbs. Irises, tulips and daffodils that are planted now will bloom in the spring. 

It’s also not too early to start thinking about bareroots. In January, a full selection of hardy fruit trees, nut trees, shade and decorative trees will be available.  You can pre-order and pre-pay for your bareroots today!

If you would like more information on cold-hardy plants or bareroots, or have any gardening questions or concerns – give me a call at (928) 425-6004 or email me at mike@goldenhillsnurseryaz.com

Happy Planting!

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