April 2012
From Mike's Desk:
In the Globe-Miami area quality garden soils are hard to come by. That’s why raised beds are a smarter choice for growing vegetables.
A raised bed garden can be any dimension and made of many materials. The critical part is the growing medium. Composts, woodchips, sand, as well as straw create excellent soil and help aerate the roots. Six to eight hours of sunlight also helps. Fertility consists of manure teas or other organics.
With such hectic, fast-paced lifestyles these days, raised beds make a more sensible, less laborious choice. Plants are easier to maintain and the results are better quality produce.
Learn to build your own raised bed or square foot garden this spring! We will hold FREE seminars at the nursery once enough people have indicated interest in this topic. Give me a call at (928) 425-6004 or email me, Mike Shirley, at mike@goldenhillsnurseryaz.com to sign up.
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