5444 E. Golden Hill Rd.
Globe, AZ 85501 (map)
(928) 425-6004

From Mike's Desk:
Mike Shirley, AZ Certified Nurseryman

Au Naturel: Sustainable gardening with nature's pesticides

Instead of using man-made pesticides, try a more natural approach with...(read on)


Monday through Saturday: 8am-5pm

Sunday: 10am-3pm

February 2012

From Mike's Desk:

Farm Fresh Eggs in Your Own Backyard


Imagine waking up and making an omelet with eggs you collected yourself! Raising laying hens is easier than you think and can save you money.


I have sold pullets (young laying hens) for more than 15 years. I start chicks in brooders until they are feathered out. At 4 weeks, they are moved outside in holding pens until sold or mature. When matured, I keep some of the pullets to be layers in my own hen house and enclosed run. My family will attest that fresh eggs are delicious; just like homegrown tomatoes!

From day old chicks to mature layers, I carry poultry all year long. Some of the best layers I have raised are: Production Reds (brown eggs), Barred Rocks (brown eggs), California White Leghorns (white eggs) and Americaunas (greenish-blue eggs). Other breeds can also be special ordered.

If you would like more information on raising poultry, or have any gardening questions or concerns – give me a call at (928) 425-6004 or email me at mike@goldenhillsnurseryaz.com

Get outside, breathe some fresh air and start growing! It’s a fun and healthy activity to raise your own food!

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